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T E A M W O R M . org :: View topic - I'm a Ninja.
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I'm a Ninja.
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Author:  Lowk [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  I'm a Ninja.

Waste, I was heading north on 300 W Friday night (right by the strip club, wink wink) and I saw your car! It looked like you were following someone, doing a u-turn to go south instead of north like I was going, and I was totally gonna be all creepy and follow you guys then wait for you to stop and jump out and be like "Aaaagh!" but I had to get to Steve's and I would have had to u-turn over like 5 lanes of traffic and my cars not that fast and I didn't have much gas but I knew it was your car cause while I passed it my eyes were like "Pshoom!" and they read the license plate for like a split second and it was your plate so that's how I knew it was you and I felt like a ninja.......and indecisive ninja.

*pant* Not sure why I felt a need to bring this up. Pretty wicked run-on sentence, though, huh? Plus, I like weird random coincidences.

Author:  Al Bundy [ Sun Jun 13, 2010 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm a Ninja.

a real ninja would have stolen his car and his wallet, then went to the strip club, being sure to disguise the stolen ride as a bouncer ...or really fat lesbian patron.

Author:  Waste [ Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm a Ninja.

Baahahahahahahahaha. This is awesome!! You shoulda let me know!

I was actually making a U-Turn because I was incredibly lost. I was trying to figure out how to get to some impossible-to-get-to storage units.

That said, if you ever see a 4-door Teg in my color (B91M) you can rest assured that it's most likely me. From what I understand, I'm the only one of my kind in the state. :D

Author:  Lowk [ Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm a Ninja.

Really? I had no idea that thing was so rare! That saves me the time of risking my life and the lives of others zooming in on the license plate, then.

Author:  Waste [ Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm a Ninja.

It's a combo of it being a sedan, and being that more-rare color.

It's by no means collectible, just pretty rare.

Another dead giveaway is my clear front bumper lenses and lack of spoiler.

What are you driving these days?

Author:  Lowk [ Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm a Ninja.

Still got the '90 Celica, though it's seen better days since I'm on a pretty tight budget. Gonna do oil and a tune-up soon, and maybe even wash it! *gasp*

Author:  Waste [ Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm a Ninja.

Haha. I really have been meaning to detail my car, but the rain is inhibitive. The rain and my laziness.

Author:  Waste [ Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm a Ninja.

P.S. I dig your Celica. :D

Author:  Lowk [ Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I'm a Ninja.

Thanks! Sometimes while I'm driving, I see the reflection of the front of my car in someone's bumper. Seeing it from just the front end makes it look badass! Favorite thing about that car's look is the nose.

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