Since Jackson's family requested that today we remember and share happy thoughts about Michael, here are a few things that make me smile. They are good childhood memories; I think that mostly Wudda will understand.
Hope everyone's day is happy. (The first, and for a long time, ONLY video, Wudda and I were allowed to watch. Weird, overprotective hippie parents thought that MTV makes a child shallow and materialistic. I guess this was uplifting enough that it was actually a family dinner event!)
(These next two are meant to be watched in succession, the first one must BE watched first. Happy memory, 'cause Wudda and I were weird kids. Don't judge us. Like you didn't find it funny when you were 13!!! BTW, if you're wondering if this is disrespectful to Jackson posthumous, don't worry -- he was a HUGE fan of the latter clip. In fact, Jackson helped obtain the same set for the second video!!!)